Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Town Above the Clouds, Indonesia

Have you ever dreamed to stand higher than the coulds, look at down the clouds like a sea? Well, here in Indonesia, your dream could come true. In Lolai, North Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, your dream would definitely happen.

This village has mountains where some of its tops can be reached. The clouds look lower than top of the mountain. But, not all of the time you'll get this kind of clouds. It's just happened when the day colder. Like in the morning or in evening. It more cooler in sunrise or sunset.

There are also Tongkonans in there. Well, you could get extra photos. You can sit in the terrace of Tongkonan while you're enjoying the view of the clouds with a cup of coffee or a cup of tea. You can also rent the Tongkonan of native people to stay for night.

The heights of the top of the mountain is more like 1.300 meters above the sea lever and 20 kilometers from Rantepao, the capital city of North Toraja.

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